Saturday, October 07, 2006

The haze

Yeah... the haze is killing me! The whole day I've been sneezing non stop and actually gotten running nose now!

To think that my parents actually added joss sticks smoke and cigarette smoke at the living room! You see, I have actually closed all the windows and the kitchen door, surviving on the scarce air available in the living room. While complaining how bad the haze was, my dad happily lighted his cigarette and started smoking. As if that's not enough, he started burning joss sticks and do his routine prayers.

So its like, I am so suffocated by all 3 "smoke" in the living room! ARGHHHH

The PSI report on the news today shocked me even further! It hit 143!!!

*Sigh* I finally got my purchases from Taiwan into use!

Haha... I'm now deciding if I should wear this to school if the PSI doesnt decrease. Cos I certainly have a pretty sensitive nose!!! *BOOOO HOOOO*

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