Sunday, May 20, 2007

Never enough shoes!

Popped over to the Charles & Keith warehouse sale yesterday! Luckily we drove there quite early, didn't really have to queue! My singaporean-auntie-mode was turned on once we stepped into the warehouse (literally!).

The constant pushing and digging for heels and bags... yadda yadda... NEVERENDING! It's really the SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST! You strong, you push, you dig, you win! The ladies shoes are really cheap la... the most expensive range of shoes cost only $19! The rest cost about $15, $12, $5, and even $3 a pair (and buy 1 get 1 free!!!! which means $1.50 each pair) Can you imagine the craze of everyone with such rock bottom prices??? OMG!

I bought 4 pairs of goodies at only $19 each! hahahaha! The most expensive kinds la... leather pointed heels etc etc. I realise I'm REALLY getting old when I was taking pictures of the shoes I bought. They are so OL can... arghhhh

My favourite pair! (I'm a sucker for rounded pumps la)
Usual price: $39.90

Also my favourite pair! (Very soft leather, comfy!)
Usual price: $42.90

Black pointed heels
Usual price: $37.90

Denim girly heels
Usual price: $34.90

Yeah!!! Battle won!!! Bwahahahaha

Anyway, I've been contemplating for quite long whether to change my blog to wordpress or livejournal. I'm quite sick of not able to have private posts using blogspot... After eve's relocation and impressive advertisement of livejournal, I've been thinking hard if I wanna change... wordpress is quite similar also la, but i hate their frequent syntax errors!

Decision, decision, decision..........

1 comment:

mmeelliiaa said...

hihi~ i personally feel that wordpress is like more friendly for users.. as in, friends who dun have acct with wordpress can jus type e password and view ur entry.. whereas lj, they have to have a lj acct rite... correct me if i'm wrong..
if most of ur friends hav lj acct then this is not a prob lo~ kekeke~
wordpress.. cannot change layout lo~ cannot put chatbox~..