Saturday, January 06, 2007

Just another entry

Sorry for not blogging for almost 2 weeks... Its too cosy at home with the DVD marathons, nice food, and my bed. I've practically been slacking at home, meeting up with my peeps during the holiday i.e.

Settlers day with Xin, Silvia, and Christal.
Alleybar chill out with Michelle, Claudia, Xin, and Christal.
Going to Wanyu's place for some girly afternoon.
Dinner with Karen just before she moves to KL for work.
Xmas celebration with Xin, Silvia, and Christal.
Xmas celebration with Eve, Wanyu, and Jasmine (hereafter named The Girlies).
BBQ at home with my loves.
Mahjong session with the girlies.
KTV session with the girlies.

Not forgetting my hectic driving lessons as well as my Kickboxing sessions that I am estatic to say that it is finally over.

Rounding up for 2006 seems a difficult task for me as I have forgotten what really happened. I'll just write down what I remember la...

At the beginning year, there a terrible thrash out with one of the friends whom usually hung out with the girlies. I was disappointed things did not work out, but I am glad after such a long time I managed to at least go back to talking terms with her again. Even though its always hi bye. There were times when I was looking at our old photographs, listening to some emo songs and I immediately have the urge to tell her I just pray all the best to her in whatever things she do. But somehow after I express myself I am held back by her sorta cold replies. But at least there was some talking. It's good.

During Feburary, an event marked a significant milestone of my 23 years on earth. I managed to perform @ The Esplanade for the Accapella, Choir, and Sing & Strum which simply means my Solo piece. It was also a night of pure happiness and touching moments because most of my friends came to support me (they have to pay for the tickets somemore), and most importantly, My Family & My Future Family (the Love and his family la) all came! Can you imagine my love and gratitude towards them? All of them, sacrificing their time and coming down to support me. It certainly made me feel loved. =)

Oh ya, The Love and I actually booked a chalet to celebrate Valentines Day. It's super funny because there's only the 2 of us, which we have made a pact never to do such a silly thing again. It's seriously boring and pathetic to see other big groups bbqing together and us 2 small fry cooking some food. Bwahahaha.

Us girlies had a chalet on the next day, so that I dun haf to go home and come back for chalet again. Just move next door. Haha am I smart or wat. =D It was definitely a fun-filled chalet and it definitely brought us closer to one another. We had fun relaxing at the Jacuzzi pool, bbqing food, watching vcds (but end up falling asleep), attempting to eat marshmallows in chocolate fondue (but got bad sore throat cos of the burning chocolate), and eating prawns for breakfast (are we in the right mind or wat?).

The next big thing I can remember will be the Love's and my holiday @ Taiwan. This is the first time we did not go Bangkok (haha) and I'm glad we chose this place (even though Bangkok is still our favorite). Firstly there was no communication barrier, it is so much simple for F&E peeps. Secondly, the food there is damn nice la. Thirdly, we have experienced the world's fastest elevator that can shoot up to 89 storeys within 30 seconds (do your calculations) with amazing light show in the lift. Which means we have been to Taiwan's tallest building - the Taipei 101. Fourthly, we took a ride on the World's Second Tallest Ferris Wheel. It is super scary la, when we are stuck right at the peak and the cold wind gushing against our carriage producing the creaking sounds. Argh. But overall, it is a super memorable vacation.

Followed by Mel's ROM. The first ROM I attended and I am so touched by the pure and amazing love that Melissa and Lance share. So I was very gan dong that I almost teared when they said their vows and seal it with a kiss. Awwww.

It was my birthday next, with a nice celebration with the girlies having lunch and games @ Settlers before heading to Mac'Nonner to have a birthday party. Hahaha. Had a great gathering with my sec 4 peeps too, many attended so I had a good chance catching up with them. Not forgetting the Flaming Lamborghini they ordered for me as a treat for the Bday Girl la. My virgin attempt k? *Sounds so wrong* =P

Then my Teaching Assistantship. Though it lasted about 1 month, I learnt so many things from the teachers there, and I must say I am freaking lucky to have met my Cooperating Teacher, Mrs Ho. She is an angel to me. We joke, we laugh, we talk about new recipes for baking, we talk about what food to get for the party for my P5 class, we talk almost about everything. We go shopping for party stuff together and have Hi-tea. Bwahahah. Cute ya? She taught me many many things, gave me chances to practise before the actual observation, help to support a bond between the kids and I, most importantly, to include me in their activities (making me feel a part of them) such as the NE show. It's another first time in my whole life to actually bring a class to watch the NDP - especially the last in Kallang Stadium. So its super unforgettable. I shall stop talking about my TA for now, I can ya dah non stop about it k.

25th September marks our 6 years together. I thought it will be a simple lunch and movie affair but the Love has surprised me with another bouquet of Gerberas (one of my favorite flowers). We had lunch at Pariss and I really (I mean really) feast on their grilled salmon! I couldnt count how many plates I ate! Bwahahahaha. I bought him a Braun Buffel wallet since his old one is cracking. He got me the wedding dolls and said that we shall open it on our wedding day. Remember my pullips? Heehee

Another good thing I did in 2006 is that I FINALLY started reading. I mean fiction books. I hate fiction actually. For all my silent-reading periods in school I have been staring onto the same page of the thin thin storybook and day dreaming. This year I dunno why but I am kinda influenced by Eve and Jas. So I started on a novel and told myself I must complete it. I was surprised that I fell in love with the story. So that boosted my interest and I tried to borrow similar books for a start - Romance. Read books that are of my interest before moving to other genres la. Haa

That's about it la, the rest I have already mentioned it at the beginning of this post.


My resolutions for 2007:

1. Pass my TP test.
2. Get good grades.
3. The Love and I can earn more money, save up.
4. Hope for better friendships to fluorish.
5. All my friends and love ones in perfect health and happiness.

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